
Who is Brinetek Salt Delivery?

Founded by 6th generation, homegrown Arizonans, Brintek Salt Delivery is a family-owned and operated business trusted for water softening solutions. We deliver professional-grade salt pellets right at your doorstep, so you can save time and overhead without skimping on quality.

Humble Beginnings

In 2014, two brothers decided to solve the industry-wide need for commercial salt pellets. The pair founded Brintek Salt Delivery and distributed products using their very own truck. Today, the company has grown into a valley-wide salt distribution company serving establishments across town.

Superior Salts

Discover the best water softening salt allowed by law! We use only the highest quality commercial pellets to ensure your systems are properly operating.


Quality Customer Service

Each member of our team works hard to ensure our services exceed our clients’ expectations. We serve with diligence, loyalty, compassion, and integrity, addressing each specific need to the best of our ability.

The Trusted Vendor

Our company teams up with big players so that customers always get the best products and services. This helps us to protect your business and take care of all of your water treatment needs. Ensuring the quality in our processes made us become preferred vendors for the following commercial companies:

  • Kinetico
  • EcoLab
  • SW Water Softening